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out url icon Recercat Chemical characterization of different granulometric fractions of grape stalks waste Pujol Oriola, David ; Liu, Chang ; Fiol Santal贸, N煤ria ; Olivella Costa, 脌ngels ; Gominho, Jorge ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel ; Pereira, Helena
doc icon DUGiDocs octubre 2013 Chemical characterization of different granulometric fractions of grape stalks waste Pujol Oriola, David ; Liu, Chang ; Fiol Santal贸, N煤ria ; Olivella Costa, 脌ngels ; Gominho, Jorge ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel ; Pereira, Helena
out url icon Recercat The chemical composition of exhausted coffee waste Pujol Oriola, David ; Liu, Chang ; Gominho, Jorge ; Olivella Costa, 脌ngels ; Fiol Santal贸, N煤ria ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel ; Pereira, Helena
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 The chemical composition of exhausted coffee waste Pujol Oriola, David ; Liu, Chang ; Gominho, Jorge ; Olivella Costa, 脌ngels ; Fiol Santal贸, N煤ria ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel ; Pereira, Helena

